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Build Strength, Show Warmth, and Other Lessons Learned From Leading Tech Exec

Opt for warmth and strength — but show the warmth. People love passion. Corporations want somebody who’s enthusiastic and passionate. VCs invest in the person. Startups have to inspire people to come along with them on a not yet tangible journey. Know what you are good at. Be able to articulate your strengths. Have that statement […] Read more…

What’s Your Truth and Other Lessons Learned

Learn to brag. I have no problem bragging. I think that you should just own your accomplishments. Just always frame the outcome for the business vs “me, me me”. You deserve it. There’s always going to be naysayers and people who don’t support you.  I just block them out. Focus on the truth. Ask yourself, […] Read more…

How To Deal With Self-Dysmorphic Disorder and Other What I Wish I Knew Then Wisdom

-1- Walking out of the meeting the loudest, doesn’t make you a “winner”. -2- When you are feeling down on yourself…feeling that “I’m not enough” feeling, know that it’s just your anxieties talking. Walk away from the mirror, the phone, the office and just take a break. You’ve probably heard of body dysmorphic syndrome. I […] Read more…

If You Want Visibility, You Have To Take It (And Other Life Lessons)

  Today’s three wishes are from another 7×7 Mentoring Salon I ran with seven up-and-coming founders and seven more seasoned advisors. The lessons shared when both ways…and have value for any rising professional. -1- Permanent job security.  I have permanent job security because I can write code. There’s starvation mentality out there right now especially […] Read more…

Keep Living The Questions

Today’s Three Gifts are from a 7×7 Mentoring Salon with a diverse group of career leaders and founders. -1- Form your own money mafia. We never ask friends about money. Or at least we didn’t used to. One day I decided, I’m going to ask for what I want and empower my friends to do […] Read more…

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