Lessons in Resilience and Moving Forward


Today I’m sharing some insights from over 40 Women I have spoken to lately…some in person and some through our work with the 40 Women To Watch Over 40…all excellent perspective from the other side of our experiences:


Whenever many of us take on major challenge, there can be feelings of self-doubt and serious self questioning, even the feeling of being an impostor. While it is conventional wisdom to say that these feelings affect women much more than men, I have interviewed many men who talk about these moments of self-doubt too. The important lesson is to recognize that “doubting expert-itis” can be a stage in taking on a challenge and not to let these feelings plague you too much or far worse, stop you from doing something you really want to do.” —40 over 40 honoree

QuoteOne should never forget that the higher you aim, the greater the distance that you may fall, and that if that time comes, you really mustn’t be too hard on yourself. This is of course a lesson that all who persistently aim high invariably learn, and usually the hard way. But, aged 14 the notion of failure was alien to me and would remain so for a good few years to come. When that moment did arrive Mr. Williams’ advise spurred me to pick myself up, dust myself down and start over, and over and over again.” —Melissa Sterrry on the best advice she has received from her 40 over 40 Asks Q&A

QuoteThe woman who does not require validation from anyone is the most feared individual on the planet.” The more that women tune into their own validation, the more they can change the world.” – Kat Gordon on the quote that keeps her going from her 40 over 40 Asks Q&A

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