Hello! Wanted to apologize for the typos in Sunday’s post. It was good advice and bad copy editing. Thank you for pointing out to me readers. Here is the fixed post ICYMI! 3 Gifts .
I realize this takes away from your experience of the site and will pledge to do better. Being in a rush to do the right thing is not an excuse to do it wrong. This made me think of a quote I heard the other day about the perfect moment. I recently started a new job and as part of that I launched 10 podcasts on Forbes.com. On the episode a technical co-founder for a new startup talked about the “perfect moment”. The start up was Umi Kitchen. They are creating a marketplace for people who love to cook to sell their home-cooked faves to people who love home-cooked meals — from their kitchen to yours. Pretty interesting.
The CTO was talking about the incredibly interesting home chefs. They are passionate about cooking and excited to create the best experience for the people on the other end…the people enjoying heir home cooked meal. He talked about the “perfect moment”. When you are thinking about what the user experience should be when designing an app or site, you have to imagine the perfect moment of use.
It made me think of my mom’s advice to me when I was throwing my first “big girl” party — a couple’s wedding shower for my best friend and one of my roommates in my twenties. I was hosting not just all their friends but their families…and I wanted it to be perfect.
My mom told me just to imagine myself walking into a party like this and what would I want to experience. Create that – stage it for your guests. Then at some point stop worrying about what is there and just observe and see what people need. It reminded me of the startup creating the user experience.
A good way to think about any of the experiences in our life. How can you create the perfect moment?