You Are Capable of More









When I was younger the only thing I feared was the unknown. What is going to happen tomorrow? Am I going to be able to handle it? Then you realize that you will because you have handled unexpected challenges in the past and you will in the future. And if you don’t, it’s not going to be the end of the world.

When you get older, you realize that you are capable of doing more things. As you attempt new things and become successful at them, you gain resillience and a willingness to take chances. I decided to climb Mount Rainier. I ran a marathon. I changed careers. I wrote a book on Navy Seals. The idea of risk changes. It’s just another decision. In terms of success, I don’t mean you either climbed the summit or you didn’t make it to the summit.  I mean successful in trying. Some people can’t even decide to try which is unfortunate. The risk of failure is so high and that doubt is just so permanent. Start failing small. Start failing now so it never holds you back and you can see what you are capable of.  – 40-something, from music industry to photo-journalist, Los Angeles, CA

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