
Three Gifts for a 20-Something (145)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what three “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here are one woman’s gifts:



Don’t fear change. When you get to pick yourself up and start over, it’s almost like you’re redefining yourself. It can be hard at first, but you can keep the good and phase out the bad.


When you have self-defeating voices in your head…thinking I’m not good enough or I should do xyz…you can tell them to take a hike. You are in charge.


You don’t have to earn it. In a marriage or in a partnership, whether married or not married, a boyfriend, or a friend, it should always be somewhat equal where you both contribute to the relationship. You both offer something to the table but in my twenties, I never felt that. I felt I was trying to earn it.