Sending thanks

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Today we have a post from Stephanie Florence, 40:20 Vision’s contributing / Millennial editor, reflecting on the impact people have on our lives.






When you think of your favorite teacher, your best coach and your childhood best friend, what do they have in common? For me, I think of people who pulled out my best qualities even in times of struggle. They motivated me to believe in myself and helped me take on challenges with just the right amount of confidence.

I’m guilty of not telling the most inspiring people in my life just how much they’ve helped me on my current path. So today I’m writing to thank a friend whose impact is bigger than words can convey, but I will certainly try to do her influence justice.


Dear Jenny,

I’m writing to let you know just how big of an impact you’ve had on my life. We met through Twitter of all places and I knew immediately that I needed you on my team. When I made the request to chat by phone your willingness startled me – I hadn’t done anything for you (heck, we’d never met in person) and yet, you were eager to get to know me.

I can still remember our first phone call. I was driving home from my stressful job and you asked me, “What is your biggest, scariest goal?” I feared even saying it out loud because it sounded laughable – so far out of my reach. Somehow, though, you made me feel comfortable enough to share my big dream with you after only a few minutes.

To do public relations in New York City. That was the dream.

Coming from a girl who had never left the state of Illinois this goal seemed impossible – especially for this girl who had practically decorated the walls of her comfort zone because she thought that’s all she would ever know.

I look back at the girl who spoke to you that day and I almost don’t recognize her. Because over the course of the following weeks you talked through my big dream with me and helped me outline which steps I would take to get there.

I pride myself in consistently helping people any way I can when it comes to their careers. Resume reviews, interview prep, talking through how I got to where I am today – I love these types of conversations. I can’t fully repay you for the advice you gave me or for the confidence you instilled in me. However, looking back at the lengths I’ve gone to help others I realized that I took your generosity and paid it forward – giving others the attention and motivation you so graciously gave to me.

Remember those fears I told you about? Well, they are long gone. Not only was my comfort zone demolished, I vowed never to let myself put up any walls (let alone decorations) again. And I must be doing something right because just a few weeks ago I had a call with a casting producer for a TV show in development. The topic? 20-somethings making it in NYC.

During our phone call two years ago if you had told me I’d be “making it in New York City” one day I would have called you crazy. But there was something in our friendship that assured me I could at least attempt it. You pulled that drive out of me and set me on a path better than any dream I could have imagined.

Very grateful,


Now I ask you as the 20:40…Who will you thank today?


And since my post can’t do her justice, here’s a little more on that very impactful Jenny:

Jenny_Blake_Headshot-1592Jenny Blake is a bestselling author, micro-business coach and international speaker who helps people move beyond burnout to build sustainable, dynamic careers they love. With two years at a technology start-up as the first employee, over five years at Google on the Training and Career Development teams, and two years of running her own business, Jenny combines her love of technology with her superpower of organizing information to help clients through big transitions — often to launch or elevate a book, blog or business.

Jenny is the proud author of Life After College: The Complete Guide to Getting What You Want and blog of the same name. Today you can find her at, where she explores the intersection of mind, body and business. For fun, Jenny teaches a Geek Yoga class in New York City for entrepreneurs. Follow her on Twitter @jenny_blake.