Three Gifts for a 20-Something (107)

Herewith, three “gifts” one 40-something would give a 20-something as their “Forty-Godmother”. What are yours?


Just know that the pain of a breakup is finite. Breakups are a hangover. They can be awful but they do go away. You think you will never drink again…but you do. And you love again.


Do you. Be you.  You don’t want to be with the person that wants to be with whatever you are pretending to be. Be with someone who wants to be with you — because there is someone that wants to be with you. Know that there is that person who will appreciate you for all the beautiful things that you are. Really. So don’t worry about being someone else…just do you.


Don’t put so much pressure on yourself. Sometimes you have to just let life happen. Because it will anyway.


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