Archive of ‘Career & Finance’ category

Let’s Hear It For The Women – Starting Up and Starting Over

Let’s hear it for the women. An infographic (click here to see:  “Too Late To Start?”) recently made the social media rounds illustrating that yes — there is life after 35 for entrepreneurs. It features founders who launched a business after 35.  A good case to make, given the recent attention on ageism in Silicon Valley.  Unfortunately, they […] Read more…

What Leadership Capabilities Should I Focus On In My 20s?

At the  7×7 Mentoring Salon I did for SMW 7 up-and-coming professionals / entrepreneurs posed their burning question to 7 experienced entrepreneurs and leaders. I’m doing a series of posts sharing the answers.  Today’s question focuses on skills needed to become a leader. The mentors answers are  full of wisdom. I will share half today and […] Read more…

What I Know Now That I Wish I Knew Then

Quitter: a person who gives up easily or does not have the courage or determination to finish a task. Ouch, online dictionary! How ‘bout this instead: Quitter: a person who is brave enough to know that a situation is unhealthy and has the courage to move on to something better. Now that’s more like it, […] Read more…

Celebrating Lifelong Innovation…Who Inspires You?

Yesterday we launched the 2nd annual list of 40 Women to Watch Over 40. This list celebrates women over 40 who are disruptors, role models and innovators, creating momentum and changing the world.  My co-creator, Whitney Johnson, and I wanted to inspire “under-the-radar” 40-something female innovators to persist while motivating women in their in their […] Read more…

5 Lessons Learned on Pitching from Industry Leaders

I had a great time hosting a 7×7 Mentoring Salon for SMW in February. I’m just now catching up with the video, which you can see here. See the panel profiles here. 7×7 Mentoring Salons give people actionable advice to advance their career. I get together seven experienced leaders and seven up-and-coming professionals/entrepreneurs for a chance to […] Read more…

Calling all women CEOs…Psst…That Is You

Today’s post is a call to action to all ambitious women. This inspired “wish” is shared from on of my 7×7 Mentoring Salons.  ~ It’s so important to elevate your vision. If you just think, “I don’t know what industry, what company or what place… but I’m going to be a CEO”. If you have […] Read more…

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