Keep or Let Go…What I Know Now

nuovo annoNew Year’s Eve…so full of promise and reflection…or maybe just planning for a fun evening out! I can’t believe it is almost 2015 but that must mean I had a good year. For New Year’s I gathered a few wishes from 40-somethings on one thing they would keep and let go for the New Year…based on what they know now that they wish they knew in their twenties.

Fire for your dreams…may this be the year you take one step closer to them.

Let go of a dream that is no longer yours…or perhaps never was.


Find one new friend from a new walk of life.

Let go of a toxic friend.


Forgive a family grudge.

Let go of family guilt when it comes to doing something that is important to you. You can be yourself and still be loving daughter and sister.


To see that love and caring comes in different forms – be open to it and don’t let someone who loves you fall through a narrow view of what love looks like.

Let go of drama guy…you know who he is.


Volunteer once a month or make a conscious act of giving to others.

Let go of the need to never give yourself a break.


Identify one skill you think you need to succeed at the next level of your career…and figure out a way to learn it via a class, a mentor or boss.

Let go of the idea you don’t know enough or aren’t good enough.


 And a favorite quote for good measure:

Be strong about where you have been, forgiving of your mistakes and tenacious about where you are going. Bad experiences are never an excuse to be bad or give up. It’s going to be okay. You make the best decision you can make at the time and the situation you are in and just know that wherever it takes you, that decision is going to take you somewhere and it will be okay. — Lori, 48, wife of 28 years, 4 children, stained glass artist, sales and restaurant business, Arizona