Today I’m braving new ground (yes I know breaking… but braving is more what I mean). I’m entering the world of tweet chats. I couldn’t be more excited than to be a guest on #HonestlyChat with Tereza Nemessanyi of Honestly Now. I meet Tereza a few weeks ago and we couldn’t stop talking! From hearing about her start up journey at age 40 (going from idea to beta in less than 12 months) to swapping our 40-something experiences. It was a fun meeting of the minds — a shared belief in the value of intergenerational wisdom. There is something to be said for having been there and done that!
Advice is just what she serves up on Honestly Now …in a fun almost game-like experience that is seriously addictive! Honestly Now is a place users can go to pose a question to a group of friends or experts and receive anonymous feedback. Just log on and get prepared for some honest opinions on your look, your home, your relationships…anything.
I recently posed a question that I answered here a few weeks ago from a 20-something who wanted to know:
Is it better to go to a private school and have student loans to pay off or go to a public university / college and be free of debt?
The Honestly Now answer: 17% for private and 83% for public.
I would love all you twitter followers out there to join us tonight for some fun filled chat as Tereza hosts her weekly Q & A with 40:20 Vision. Yah! Tonight’s topic: You guessed it…
If you’re in your 40-somethings, what advice would you give to your 20-something self? If you’re in your 20-somethings, what would you want to know from your 40-something self?
Use this link to join the chat:
And look forward to an interview with Tereza on her very own 40:20 Vision coming soon!
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