Posts Tagged ‘20-something’

3 Wishes for Brides To Be

The third post today in my royal wedding trifecta. If watching the royal wedding has given you visions of grandeur, gowns and gala celebration in the planning of our own wedding, take a step back to reality. Herewith  three “40-something” wishes for all those about to be wed. “Don’t get caught up in the event. […] Read more…

3 Wishes for the Prince and Princess

3 Wishes for The Prince and Princess So the ceremony is over now the journey begins for Princess Catherine and Prince William. They have a tough road in front of them navigating the marriage trail under the scrutiny of the public and the responsibility of monarchy. They will need a few things that 40-something women […] Read more…

Enjoy…Don’t Get Too Caught Up In The Fantasy

Okay so you know the rub. The royal wedding puts all the fantasies about getting married that have been imprinted on us from childhood back front and center. Dear 20-somethings…don’t get too caught up in that. Enjoy the fluff and the fashion – remember it’s not the wedding that counts. It’s not about feeling like […] Read more…

You Have to Find Confidence

  “There’s a correlation between risk taking and confidence. I try to put myself in situations where I will find confidence. You have to find the confidence rather than just think you don’t have it innately.  I do things that challenge me that I know ultimately will make me feel great.” Here’s one 40-something woman’s […] Read more…

Never Give Up, Never Shut Up

A few weeks ago I was being interviewed for a radio show and the woman who was on before me was talking about her life as a female musician and she said that her motto or mantra was Never Give Up, Never Shut Up. I love that.  So many 40-something women wish they had been […] Read more…

Stay Connected to Your Financial Future

I did a post a few weeks ago about the ultimate independence being financial independence. The key thought: If independence is what you want, money is a big key to it. Financial success equals independence. It doesn’t get better than that. All the rebellion or individuality in the world is nothing if have to rely on others […] Read more…

Happily Ever After Can Change

On Friday I answered a question from a 20-something asking what if it’s difficult to be single at 40. The answer was…no harder than being married at 40 and probably easier than being single in your 20s (you likely have more money than when you were younger and less responsibility than being married at 40). […] Read more…

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