Archive of ‘Three Gifts’ category

Three Wishes for a Twenty-Something (12)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here’s one woman’s gifts: 1. The strength to put yourself first. Put yourself first in every aspect of that in what you want to do, in who you take […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something (11)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here’s one woman’s gifts: 1. A voice that is your  constant friend telling you to speak your mind. 2. Magic glasses to spot friends who are not your true […] Read more…

Three Wishes for a Twenty-Something (10)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here’s one woman’s gifts: 1. I would give them confidence. How? You can get it by developing your skills through work and through volunteering. I think that is a big […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something (10)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here’s one woman’s gifts:   1. A financial advisor   2. Sports or some sort of athletic interest. I got really into running. I think I did my first […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a Twenty-Something (9)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here’s one woman’s gifts: 1. Outward bound  — help to get to know yourself through the outdoors 2. The ability to say no and not feel guilty 3. Lifelong […] Read more…

Three Wishes for a Twenty-Something (8)

~1~ “A little money won’t hurt so you’re not always working so hard that you can’t look up a little bit. I think young people are working so hard that they don’t have time to look up and see what’s going on or sit back and think about what’s going on. They’re just doing. Do, […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something (7)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here’s one woman’s gifts: ~1~ “Don’t over-analyze a guy. I will give you that ability with a magic wand — don’t think too much. Take it for what is […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something (6)

Another response to the question I ask every 40-something I interview: What 3 “gifts” would you give a 20-something as her “Forty-Godmother”? 1. Approach every situation as though it’s one option among many and not your only option. You need to know that there are so many options and really believe it. Don’t just feel […] Read more…

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