Three Gifts for a 20-Something (111)

Herewith, three “gifts” one 40-something would give a 20-something as their “Forty-Godmother”. What are yours?



Weirdness is cute. Don’t date someone who tries to dampen your unique weirdness.  Don’t hide your unique quirks on a date and look for what is unique in others. Dating is so much more fun when you stop trying to project what you think that other person wants.  (Of course you also have to apply the 20 year rule…will that quirk still make you smile 20 years from now if you were to wake up to it everyday!)


Cultivate friends and partners who are honest with you even when it’s not easy. The best friends and partners are those that can call you on your sh#t and you can still laugh about it.


You are your identity not your test scores. In your twenties, work on solidifying your identity. Find your values, live them and lead by them.

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