5 Failures That Are Successes In Disguise

Today I’m sharing a guest post I did on Polish My Crown, the blog that is the “queens guide t0 living an extraordinary life”, written by the lovely Andi Teggert. Andi is an amazing 20-something woman who is living life according to her own rules — a philosophy I encourage. With a positive attitude and  a zest for living life to the fullest – she is a great example of being the queen of your own life. And being queen means realizing that life is full of more and more opportunities rather than diminishing choices. Last week she published my “five things that seemed like mistakes in my twenties that actually ended up making my life better” as part of her “Thankful Thursday” series.  I shared experiences that seemed like failures at the time that I am now thankful for. That is the thing — we have heard that failures are a chance to learn but sometimes they are just successes in disguise.

Read the post here: