November 2011 archive

Three Gifts for a 20-Something (48)

Herewith, three “gifts” this single mother would give a 20-something if she were a “Forty-Godmother”. What are yours? ~1~ Sleep. You think you will have forever to sleep when you are young but it gets harder and harder. Get it in now and learn how not to give it up. ~2~ Know that with intention […] Read more…

Does Self Acceptance Come with Age or Hard Work?

This 25 year old women wrote in to ask about self-acceptance ….when does it come already ? With age, experience or work? She has always been full of self-doubt and insecurity in her personal life and compensated by focusing on career success. “By junior high I realized that, although I had a laundry list of […] Read more…

What Is It About 40-Somethings?

Since Andy Rooney’s passing several women have sent me an article expressing Rooney’s appreciation of women over 40. As with most of his musings, he hits on a universal truth. Women over forty do have something going on! This woman sums it up well:  “I am not sure what it is about turning 40, but […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a Twenty-Something (47)

A 40-something reader responds with the three “gifts” that she would give a 20-something if she were a “Forty-Godmother”. What are yours? ~1~ Learn to be independent. Take yourself to the movies, hell, take yourself on an adventure by traveling to a foreign land. You will meet the most amazing people and have a lifetime […] Read more…

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