November 2011 archive

Alone Together or Just Alone?

Women often ask me, “How long should I stay in a relationship? When do men change/grow up/want to commit? Today I’m sharing an insight from a 60 year woman that I think is relevant to relationships of all ages. “If you think a guy isn’t happy because he won’t commit or fears intimacy, and you […] Read more…

The Secret To Forging Genuine Friendships

Yesterday I received a comment on a  post I did a few months ago on finding meaningful friendships in a me-focused world. The 20-something commenter offers some very astute observations about developing, keeping and recognizing friends that are well worth sharing. Thank you for your 20 plus vision! ~ I am a twenty something that […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something

Herewith, three “gifts” this 40-something woman would give a 20-something if she were a “Forty-Godmother”. What are yours? ~1~ The ability to be comfortable with uncertainty. It’s part of life and it leads you to new places. ~2~ $10 a week to buy yourself fresh flowers. ~3~  To make peace with someone you want back […] Read more…

Things To Appreciated More

A few things 40-somethings wish they appreciated more in their 20’s: your metabolism, your energy, your ability to bounce back from hangovers, your skin, your body, your mistakes, your freedom, sleep, independence, time, choices, sex. And then there are the big ones — the one’s many women wish they didn’t take for granted in their […] Read more…

The Imperfect Thanksgiving – Lessons Learned

 Twas the day before Thanksgiving and all through the night I thought about cooking the perfect turkey. NOT (anymore). The enemy of perfect is done. Someone said that quote to me last night in reference to deciding whether or not to start your own business…but it can apply to so much in life. In business […] Read more…

To Speak Your Mind…Be Yourself

Today’s post is from a 40-something entrepreneur on what she is most is most proud of when she looks back on her career. It touches on the topic of women not only having a voice but also making sure it gets heard. If you know what you believe in it’s easier to say it with […] Read more…

Does Self-Acceptance Really Come with Age? – Part 2

This is part 2 of the response to the 25-year-old women who wrote in to ask about self- acceptance. When does it come already…with age, experience or through working on it? She realizes her weight issues and unhappiness stem from a low self-esteem. Kudos to her for taking that first step. “I recently came to […] Read more…

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