
Three Gifts for a Twenty-Something (33)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here are one woman’s gifts:


A passport! And use it. Travel. Go places. Go see something because honestly, once you get grown up and you have a family it’s much harder to do and you’ll regret it, Go some place interesting. Go see something.


A good hair cut.


A filter to drown out some of the noise in your head so you can get to know yourself. It’s hard to say be true to yourself because when you’re in your twenties, you don’t really know who you are yet. It takes time to really hone that person who you become but I think you can start to listen to yourself. Even with all the noise around you, try to figure out what makes you happy.  Figure out what your interests are so your whole life isn’t wrapped around a man or your job. Have interests so you can easily entertain yourself and be interesting.