
Posts Tagged ‘women entrepreneurs’

Let’s Hear It For The Women – Starting Up and Starting Over

Let’s hear it for the women. An infographic (click here to see:  “Too Late To Start?”) recently made the social media rounds illustrating that yes — there is life after 35 for entrepreneurs. It features founders who launched a business after 35.  A good case to make, given the recent attention on ageism in Silicon Valley.  Unfortunately, they […] Read more…

Sharing Founder Stories: What I Know Now, Elaine Kunda for Women 2.0

  With my mission to connect older and younger women to help start conversations, share experiences and facilitate mentoring between generations, I recently found myself in the middle of two great communities. I interviewed Elaine Kunda, the dynamic CEO of B5 Media (home to such websites as The Grindstone) for Women 2.0, an inspiring organization dedicated […] Read more…

What To Expect When You Are Pitching

Today I am sharing a question I received from an aspiring entrepreneur on getting ready to pitch their start-up idea.  As part of the career aspect of 40:20 Vision I’ve had a lot of interest from the female start-up community for sharing of “entrepreneurial” wisdom. Soon I will be creating a separate section on entrepreneurial […] Read more…