
Posts Tagged ‘20-something friendships’

Don’t Shag Your Girlfriends

Today’s post is inspired by a group of eight women discussing their friendships. As they became adults and grew up, had kids, got married, got divorced, their friendships were truly a lifeline. Their advice…learn to be a good friend in your twenties…and beware the girlfriend ditch. Or in their own words: Friendship is even more important as […] Read more…

On Transitioning

Today we have a post from Stephanie Florence, 40:20 Vision’s contributing / Millennial editor, on the transition phase that comes around this age. ~ New York City is often called a melting pot, a place filled with transplants who left behind their comfort zones to take on all that the concrete jungle has to offer. […] Read more…

How To End A Friendship Without Burning Bridges

   Today’s question is from a 20-something who has decided to distance herself from an 8 year friendship. Her question revolves how such actions should be handled. As the 20-something overcame depression and became more confident, her friend resented that she no longer was the center of her life and has grown increasingly unsupportive: “As […] Read more…