October 2014 archive

7×7 Mentoring: How to a Build Business and Brand Identity

Today I’m sharing another edition in a series of posts based on a 7×7 Mentoring Salon I did for SMW. It’s where seven up-and-coming entrepreneurs pose a question to seven experienced leaders. While the session was focused on entrepreneurism, the issues facing these 20-somethings are similar to those many women today. I’m inspired by the honest, […] Read more…

Lessons in Resilience and Moving Forward

Today I’m sharing some insights from over 40 Women I have spoken to lately…some in person and some through our work with the 40 Women To Watch Over 40…all excellent perspective from the other side of our experiences: Whenever many of us take on major challenge, there can be feelings of self-doubt and serious self questioning, […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something

This week I have a special 3 Gifts from Whitney Johnson, my co-creator in 40 Women to Watch Over 40 and a true embodiment of a woman disrupting after 40 as an investor, entrepreneur, author and coach. Her class  Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship is now available on Lynda.com…another gift for 20-somethings and women of all ages. First, Whitney’s three gifts to help […] Read more…

Looks Matter

Today’s 40-something post is from a 40-something who has grown to realize that yes, looks do matter. Left Out, An Essay by Sarah Gormley  My neighbor was the first person who told me I wasn’t pretty. She didn’t mean it to be cruel, it was just a matter of fact observation. Theresa was sixteen, and my friend […] Read more…

Learning To Love Imperfect

So many people I‘ve spoken to react negatively to the idea that a relationship or marriage is “work”. Yet the people who are in a long-term relationship are the most consistent in saying that it’s not always easy. It’s not necessarily like a wine that improves with age. It may go through a weird period that just […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what three “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. In essence, three things to help you get a head start on perspective and gain the confidence you need to make decisions that are right for you. No more […] Read more…

A New Theme for 30

Thrilled to share guest post today from Rebecca Coale, a 30-something with a new perspective to match a new decade… A New Theme for Thirty By Rebecca Coale I knew everything was going to change when I turned 30 and got married in two consecutive days. But I figured there was no reason to space out these […] Read more…

What About The 30-Somethings?

But what about the 30-somethings? That’s a question I frequently get about 40:20 Vision. It was never my intent to leave them out (40:20 was more a metaphor than a club) but now Denise Restauri has them covered. In her new book, “Their Roaring Thirties – Brutally Honest Career Talk From Women Who Beat The […] Read more…

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