Today’s post shares some insight from a 40-something woman and high level executive in the financial industry. She talked with me about a few of her tips for succeeding in a tough and competitive field based on her experience and mentoring work specifically in finance.
- Lead by example. Don’t tell someone to do something if don’t do it yourself.”
- Lean forward when you are talking in a meeting.
- Sit at the head of the conference room table / towards front whenever you can.
- Assert yourself from the very beginning. Never let go first with handshakes.
- Don’t be that “I don’t get tech / I need help” person. Figure it out. It’s a sign of competence. Use your brain.
- Don’t be a afraid to ask a mentor for help but always come in with your own perspective first.
- Get some experience under your belt of hiring and firing sooner than later.
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