If You Are Determined to Follow One Path, You May Be Disappointed

I have started writing a series of posts for The Daily Muse on finding your career path. It will tell the story of how a variety of 40-something women arrived at their career success. While for some it’s a zig and others a zag, what we most often find is that we end up merging our life and work passions. Here is an excerpt of the first post that ran last momth from a 40-something marketing and PR pro with wisdom to spare.

“Looking back, I realize my career path was only a “path” because of the decisions I’d made along the way, not because there was a set goal from the start. If you’re determined to follow one set path, you may end up disappointed. Instead, you should strive to learn as much as possible at every step, believe in yourself and your value, and align yourself with smart, supportive colleagues and mentors.

While it’s hard to think this way at 25, your job, in its simplest form, is to make your boss’s life easier. At the end of the day, every boss wants to be confident in his or her team. The longer you’re in the workforce, the more you come to appreciate how important it is to have great people around you. In turn, if you are lucky enough to work for a boss who trusts you, supports you, and cares about you, think long and hard before you move on to what appears to be a better opportunity.”

Check out the full article here:

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