March 2011 archive

Advice to 20-somethings: Travel…Now!

Q: I am in the middle of my twenties, I have a great job where I have moved up the ladder pretty quickly in the last couple of years.  I have a very good salary for my age and I have a great apartment in NYC and a great group of friends. But more than […] Read more…

Give Yourself a Present — Be Present.

Take a moment today to be present …and appreciate what you have:) “Most people aren’t dealing with catastrophic events in their 20s. But catastrophe just chooses you …you don’t choose it.  If you knew that, you would appreciate every moment you have. Just appreciate. Walking, talking, driving. Anything.  As you get older you learn to […] Read more…

Three Wishes for a Twenty-Something (12)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here’s one woman’s gifts: 1. The strength to put yourself first. Put yourself first in every aspect of that in what you want to do, in who you take […] Read more…

When is the Right Time to Give Up on a Dream?

Last week I delved into the topic of when to quit. This woman weighed in with another great answer from the perspective of someone who followed her dream but eventually gave it up. A lot of younger women worry about how long they should pursue a dream, particularly if it is in the arts or […] Read more…

Friends Should Have Your Back

Q. I’m friends with a group of girls who used to hate me in high school because of the male attention I used to get. After high school we all ended up going to the same university and got to know each other and became close. However, I always get the feeling that these people […] Read more…

Nurture Your Independence

A lot of women feel the pressure of family expectations. Love your family, be there for them but as this woman who spent a lot of her 20’s bending to her family’s wishes, wishes for you: don’t do it at the expense of making your own life too. “You don’t always have to do everything […] Read more…

Bad Guys Gone Good?

Yesterday I began to answer the question from a 20-something, “do bad guys ever eventually turn good?” This was in response to the advice not to waste too much time on bad guys in your twenties. Date them, have fun with them, but don’t try to change them or marry them. But perhaps, depending on […] Read more…

What is a “Bad Guy”?

Q: Do bad guys ever eventually become good guys? A. Depends on what you mean by “bad guy”. I get a lot of advice from 40-something women about not spending too much time with bad boys. But 20-somethings want to know, what is a bad guy…and can they morph into a good guy?  Many 40-somethings […] Read more…

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