“Manolo’s don’t appreciate.“ – 40-something, Santa Monica, California
Many women have echoed this sentiment. Of course I still believe you still need a really great pair of shoes. I always related to the episode in “Sex in the City” where Carrie said, “Fact is, sometimes it’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes. That’s why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun.”
So you do need one really good pair of shoes whether it be for an interview a date or just because you want to feel fabulous. But you don’t have to pay Laboutin prices. I’m loving Musette right now. I discovered this Romanian shoe store on West Broadway and Prince. Super sexy and smart — they look twice their price. Pumps range from $100 to $300, boots from $200 to $350, and bags and clutches from $200 to $300.