Archive of ‘Relationships’ category

Valentine’s Day for One and All

Refinery29 lists some fun “single” ideas for Valentine’s Day in NYC and Chicago. Check out your local listings for activities geared to singles on Valentine’s Day and have some fun. So often Valentine’s Day is depicted as this day where singles are either sad or bitter. The anti-Valentine’s Day party that Jessica Biel’s character throws […] Read more…

Friends Don’t Let Friends Date Idiots

“Friends don’t let friends date idiots. My roommate and I were a bad combination. We were in our 20s and we would talk to each other when the guy in our life was not so nice and we would tell eachother, “Oh he’s just going through a bad time, it will get better.” We were […] Read more…

Relationships Don’t Work on Your Clock Alone

“No relationship will work in the long run unless you allow it to move at the pace of the person moving most slowly.” –– 40-something, Washington, DC This was one of the first pieces of advice I received on my 40:20 journey of interviewing 40-something women around the country. It was part of what motivated […] Read more…

Is it possible to have it all?

Q: I recently found out I’m three months pregnant, graduating from law school, living with my boyfriend, and studying for the bar exam. For those of you professional women with families, what do you do? Plan ahead, pick career over family? What job benefits have you found absolutely essential to you as a mother? Flex […] Read more…

Forget Facebook to Forget a First Love

The other day I answered a question from a 20-something on whether you ever stop thinking about your first love.  The answer was yes. But some people take longer than others, especially when you can keep tabs of your exes on Facebook. Not that we need a study to tell us this, but I read a survey […] Read more…

Do You Ever Forget Your 1st Love?

Q: Do you ever stop thinking about your first love? – 20-something A: Yes….you do. You stop thinking about them. And then they become a memory. For many, a good memory that recalls the excitement of first love, nostalgia for  a more innocent, if naive side of ourselves, and most importantly a learning about ourselves […] Read more…

Slow Down

We all feel the pressure to achieve some imaginary “to-do” list. There’s a sense that we only have a window of time in our 20s to accomplish so much. Sometimes that leads to rushing into things or choosing a path before it’s time.  It’s time to explore yes…but use that time. Don’t just fill it […] Read more…

Fueling the Fire – Love that Lasts

A new study shows it is possible to still be madly in love with your partner after 20-some years. Nice news in today’s world where the idea of lasting love seems ever more quaint. The study from Stony Brook University in New York used brain scans to find that some couples married on average 21 […] Read more…

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