Younger women often ask..what is it really like to be with the same person for 15, 20, 25+ years….as long as the life they have lived so far. Here is one woman’s reflections on her 20 year journey of marriage: 1. The key to our happiness was when we realized that we are not going to change. […] Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘relationships’
40:20 Vision: One Woman on Marriage, Love…and Marriage
If you’re looking for a partner, what I tell my kids and what I would tell 20 somethings, is to make sure that you are connected in a real way to that person. Ultimately, it’s not all about goals and ambitions. It’s more about wanting to truly spend time with the person, to have a […] Read more…
The Three Essentials To Being A Good Friend
Listen. Listen. Listen. I’m a collector of friends. I still count many friends from grade school, high school and college as part of my everyday life. Then add friends from my 20s and 30s and now…new friends still in my 40s. Making new friends can take time, but like most good things in life, it’s […] Read more…
Finding Your Fight Pattern
This is a follow up answer to the request for advice about the first year of marriage. Great perspective for anyone in a relationship — so smart and real. Thank you to my 40-something panel for sharing their wisdom. ~ Pay no attention to studies or authorities who tell you what “should” happen during year one […] Read more…
How I Grew Up And Grew Together
One 40-something woman on finding footing in her marriage and taking her own steps forward from 20 to 40. ~ I don’t think you have to believe in the same things. What you believe in may change overtime. But you have to believe in each other and have some common ground as a foundation. Then you […] Read more…
5 Tenets To Keep Close To Heart in the First Year of Marriage
I had a few requests lately for advice on the first year of marriage. Today we have a guest post from Annette Babich. In her 24 years of planning weddings, Annette Babich has learned that her job is less about the logistics of the big day and more about caretaking and therapy. She has seen the […] Read more…
One Thing You Need To Grow Out Of To Grow Up
I call it the drama. That was the funny thing about being 20-something. The drama associated with being twenty and trying to prove yourself and make everyone else happy. You have to grow out of it. You have to develop the ability to teach people how to treat you. It’s how you treat yourself – you […] Read more…
Dealing with the Relationship Ice
Today we’re answering a question from a 20-something reader on the age-old issue of trying to make sense of an unexplained break-up. Shedding some perspective on dealing with the “WHY?” we have two women and one man from my 40+ panel. Breaking up without breaking up is ever easier in the age of text. I […] Read more…