Today we have a post from Stephanie Florence, 40:20 Vision’s contributing / Millennial editor, reflecting on her role in recent weddings. ~ I’ve reached that age when my mailbox is filled with save the date postcards and wedding invitations. I can’t scroll through my Facebook NewsFeed without seeing bling on a gal’s left hand or […] Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘20-something confidence’
Three Gifts for a 20-Something (158)
Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what three “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Herewith, there wishes to help you get a head start on perspective and gain confidence making decisions that are right for you. 1. Resourcfulness. If you are resourceful […] Read more…
Three Gifts for a 20-Something (88)
Today’s three “gifts” to a 20-something are from Tara Sophia Mohr whose 40:20 Vision interview on how to take control of our “Inner Critic” hit home with a lot of my readers earlier this week. I also asked here what three gifts she would give a 20-something to get through her twenties more empowered […] Read more…