Today we have the second post in the series curated by Stephanie Florence, 40:20 Vision’s contributing / Millennial editor, reflecting on how childhood dreams affect the people we become. Read the first installment here. ~ Christina Vuleta – From Princess to Planner “When I was very young I remember answering the question of what I […] Read more…
December 2014 archive
Dear 20-Something
Last night I was telling someone how the “Dear Kitten” video was a little bit like 40:20 Vision — sharing our wisdom — cat:kitten style. Yeah, we have experienced a few things you haven’t yet. So why not try to give those following behind us a head start? I often hear that you shouldn’t give […] Read more…
Three Gifts for a 20-Something
What three “gifts” would you give a 20-something if you were a “Forty-Godmother”? This is where I ask 40-something women to share 3 things to help a 20-something get a head start on gaining confidence to make decisions that are right for you. No more woulda, coulda, shoulda. 1. Show your gratitude. Tell people when they […] Read more…
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Today we have a post from Stephanie Florence, 40:20 Vision’s contributing / Millennial editor, reflecting on how childhood dreams affect the people we become. ~ Adults love to ask children…”What do you want to be when you grow up?” Our young minds produce answers grounded in both make believe and reality – a mom, a […] Read more…
How to Make Your Way Out of a Premature Job Hop
Today we have a question from a woman who moved to a new city for a new job. She now misses her first job…and thinks she made a big mistake. It’s her first job and she is worried about changing jobs again so soon. She reached out to our 40-something panel for some perspective! It […] Read more…