November 2014 archive

Don’t Panic…You Are Not Late

Some advice from a 7×7 Mentor Salon on entrepreneurship. It touches on a familiar feeling for many 20-somethings as they navigate their career and look at their peers…”am I there yet?” There is this sense of instant success. You read these articles on 20-somethings who start a company and a year later they’re getting all […] Read more…

3 Gifts for a 20-Something

What three “gifts” would you give a 20-something if you were a “Forty-Godmother”?  This is where I ask 40-something women to share 3 things to help a 20-somehting get a head start on gaining confidence to make decisions that are right for you. No more woulda, coulda, shoulda.       1. Spend less time thinking […] Read more…

How Wrong Actually Means Right

There are good things and bad things that I have learned…like everybody else. But one thing I wish is that I had a little more time in my twenties. I see it in 20-somethings today. We are in such a rush to take on so much responsibility. We lose the space to learn. It’s like children…we […] Read more…

Learning to Draw Outside the Life Lines

In your twenties, you’re consumed with figuring out what you want to get done. There is a lot of mental energy that goes into this developmental task. Ticking off the boxes. Getting to the next level. You are creating a picture in your mind of what the perfect path for you may be and then […] Read more…

3 Gifts for a 20-Something (193)

What three “gifts” would you give a 20-something if you were a “Forty-Godmother”?  This is where I ask 40-something women to share 3 things to help a 20-somehting get a head start on gaining confidence to make decisions that are right for you. No more woulda, coulda, shoulda.       1. Don’t deceive yourself. For […] Read more…

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