How to not roll over and hit snooze…


Image from Business Insider article

Today I’m sharing advice from Neil Blumenthal, co-founder / co-ceo of Warby Parker, speaking last week at a GCU event moderated by Dirk Standen of Love his perspective, the story behind Warby Parker and willingness to share his lessons learned. Great 40:20 vision for building a mission based business but also for any career and any age…

How do you wake up and not roll over and hit the snooze button? Find purpose.

The more vulnerable you are with people, the deeper the relationship you have with them.

Focus on three things and do them well [versus trying to be everything to everyone].

When you are starting a big crazy journey, there are moments that are a leap of faith. In those moments, step back, break it down into smaller decisions..and smaller risks.