Today we have a post from Stephanie Florence, 40:20 Vision’s contributing / Millennial editor, on the transition phase that comes around this age. ~ New York City is often called a melting pot, a place filled with transplants who left behind their comfort zones to take on all that the concrete jungle has to offer. […] Read more…
March 2014 archive
Treat Your Job As If It Was Your Own Company
Today some perspective from the mentors at one of my 7×7 Mentoring Salons. The topic was staring up and staring over…when you have an idea, a passion project…at what point do you quit your job to pursue it full time and how do you know you are up for it? If you’re giving a […] Read more…
3 Gifts for a 20-Something (151)
Taking a slightly different tack with this week’s 3 Wishes for a 20-something. Herewith, 3 gifts to give a 20-something to get through the 20s with more confidence …straight from the red carpet…and Oscar accepetance speeches. 1. Learn how to accept an award. Jared Leto was gracious, grateful and inspiring. He thanked the […] Read more…