October 2011 archive

Flexibility Does Not Have to Be a Priviledge

  “You don’t have to check your personality and lives at the door.” – Deirdre Lord Today I’m sharing a guest post I did for Women 2.0 with Deirdre Lord, a serial energy entrepreneur who is striving to build an exceptional business while allowing for a flexible lifestyle. Whether you are in a start up, […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something (42)

  Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here are one woman’s gifts (she actually has four for you today): 1. Have compassion for yourself and for others. 2. Know that the only thing you can control, […] Read more…

Flash Friday: Dealing with Managerial Power Gaps

Today is Flash Friday – when a question is answered from both the 40-something and 20-something perspective. Joining me on this mission is Molly Ford of Smart Pretty and Awkward. Today’s question digs into the topic of how to deal with a rude boss or disrespectful subordinate. ~ The 20-Something Perspective By Molly Ford Going up […] Read more…

Revel in Uncertainty…Except in Death

So sad to lose the man who said, “Death is very likely the single best invention of life.” and changed our lives forever. I will carry these messages, excerpted from his 2005 commencement speech at Stanford, with me forever. On Dropping Out …. Connecting the Dots I decided to drop out and trust that it would […] Read more…

Give Yourself Audacious Goals

Today I’m sharing a little inspiration from a 40-something woman entrepreneur who is living proof of the power of believing in yourself. After years of working in technology in the 90s and fighting against a “can’t do” corporate culture she left to start her own company. The most important thing she brought with her was […] Read more…

Using Technology to Ease Transitions

  Today I’m sharing a guest post from Molly Ford of Smart, Pretty and Awkward, a charming manual of simple tips for how to live your best life…without taking it too seriously!  In her own words, “In real life, I spend my days being a little awkward, a little pretty, and a little smart. Also drinking […] Read more…

The Case for Karma — Creating the Ties that Bond

“One should, perform karma with nonchalance without expecting the benefits because sooner of later one shall definitely gets the fruits.” – Rig Veda This weekend I was reminded of the power of karma.  I made the mistake of carrying ar0und some checks I needed to deposit in my wallet. I had gone to the bank […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something (41)

  Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here are one woman’s gifts: 1. A mouth that always speaks your mind. 2. Eyes that look inward and see and embrace your strengths. 3. Ears that don’t hear […] Read more…

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