July 2011 archive

How Do You Know He’s Not the One?

  I often get the question from 20-somethings, “How do you know that you have met the one?” Sometimes it’s about knowing when someone is not the one. Most women wish they’d spent less time on the wrong guys in their 20’s. How do you avoid wasting time in the wrong relationship? And more importantly, when […] Read more…

The Power of Warmth vs. Competence

A lot of people say this to me. Act confident and you will become confident. Get up and get back on the horse. But now there is some proof. An article in the Harvard Business Review discusses a study showing that how you act can definitely affect how you feel…and how others feel about you. […] Read more…

Get Out of the Box

“All we have is right now. I used to be a box person. I thought I could tie my life up in a bow and that would be it. Black and white. But I found my box seeps out gray matter and the ribbons get frayed. Realizing this makes life more enjoyable. You can’t control […] Read more…

Be Confident in Not Knowing

Summertime. Vacation. Relaxation. Blog. Which one of these words doesn’t fit? I’m going to take some time off this week and in the meantime, while I might post once or twice, the remainder of the week I will share some posts from the early days of 40:20 Vision. Well, we’re only 9 months old but […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something (30)

Every time I interview a 40-something woman for 40:20 Vision I ask them what 3 “gifts” would they give a 20-something if they were a “Forty-Godmother”. Here are one woman’s gifts:   1. That you find a way to have healthy competition. That it does not become so insidious and destructive. 2. That you pick […] Read more…

Marriage, Money and Magic Carpet Rides: The Innocent Spouse

I had the pleasure of interviewing Carol Joynt, author of Innocent Spouse (from Crown Publishers) and Emmy-winning network news producer. The book tells the story of her surviving and surmounting a series of “life avalanches” prompted by her husband’s sudden death and “financial infidelity.” When her husband died unexpectedly Carol discovered that he owed the IRS […] Read more…

The 40-Something Guide to Getting Over the 1st Heartbreak

Today we have a 20-something question on getting over the first heartbreak, something almost all humanity has experienced and it never gets easier. How do we move on? A side note: Anyone can submit a question through “Ask Advice” button above. The idea is to provide a variety of answers and perspectives from 40-something women […] Read more…

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