November 2010 archive

The Mating Game or the Waiting Game? Prince William and Kate Middleton are finally engaged after years of dating and speculation.  Kate Middleton earned the nickname “Waity Katie” by the media.  But I don’t know that waiting is so bad when you’re in your 20’s, even if you’re in a serious relationship. One interesting thing I noticed in talking to 40-something […] Read more…

Listen to Your Inner Voice

Almost every woman I talk to in her 40s went through the wrong guy (or 2 or 20)  before finding their own happiness and along the way … the right guy.  Many women who wish they spent less time in their 20’s in bad relationships or ended up with a divorce from their 20s almost […] Read more…

Can You Switch Jobs Too Much in Your 20s?

“Get as much experience doing different kinds of jobs until you find that thing that you are really passionate about and then pursue that. But try not to do too many things in a period of time because it limits your choices to a certain degree. Eventually that bouncing will hurt you unless you truly […] Read more…

It’s the Little Things…

I was watching the movie Juno yesterday and it reminded me of something I was talking about with a guy I know who’s in the throws of falling in love. He was asking me what I have learned about relationships from talking to so many women. What makes love last? How do you keep the […] Read more…

Cowboy Wisdom

As I’ve been traveling cross-country interviewing 40-something women, I often get asked if the small town advice as interesting as the larger cities.  You bet. Small towns offer a different perspective, sometimes more conservative, sometimes a little rough around the edges and sometimes straight common sense that spans the ages.  On one of my first […] Read more…

Fake It Till You Make It

A lot of people say this to me. Act confident and you will become confident. Get up and get back on the horse. But now it is proven. An article in the Harvard Business Review ( discusses a study showing that how you act can definitely affect how you feel…and how others feel about you. […] Read more…

Compromise, Until You Compromise Yourself

Most 40-somethings say that you do have to compromise in a relationship. But that doesn’t mean one person is right and one person is wrong. It’s about getting to a place where you both feel right — or at least no one feels wrong all of the time. That’s when you start compromising yourself. One woman […] Read more…

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