Archive of ‘Self & Wellness’ category

What I Am Thankful For…A Thanksgiving Redo

A month or two ago I got a package from my parents with some elementary school projects that my Dad had unearthed in the latest purging exercise. I forget which comedian said that we spend the first half of life accumulating things and the latter half getting rid of things…but it’s true. Ever since college I get […] Read more…

How Wrong Actually Means Right

There are good things and bad things that I have learned…like everybody else. But one thing I wish is that I had a little more time in my twenties. I see it in 20-somethings today. We are in such a rush to take on so much responsibility. We lose the space to learn. It’s like children…we […] Read more…

Learning to Draw Outside the Life Lines

In your twenties, you’re consumed with figuring out what you want to get done. There is a lot of mental energy that goes into this developmental task. Ticking off the boxes. Getting to the next level. You are creating a picture in your mind of what the perfect path for you may be and then […] Read more…

Looks Matter

Today’s 40-something post is from a 40-something who has grown to realize that yes, looks do matter. Left Out, An Essay by Sarah Gormley  My neighbor was the first person who told me I wasn’t pretty. She didn’t mean it to be cruel, it was just a matter of fact observation. Theresa was sixteen, and my friend […] Read more…

A New Theme for 30

Thrilled to share guest post today from Rebecca Coale, a 30-something with a new perspective to match a new decade… A New Theme for Thirty By Rebecca Coale I knew everything was going to change when I turned 30 and got married in two consecutive days. But I figured there was no reason to space out these […] Read more…

The Real Risk Is Not Taking A Risk

    The other day I asked a 40-something guy what he would tell his 20-something self…he immediately responded “take more risks, you can’t “eff-up” your twenties.   This is a universal 40:20-ism. Most of the women I’ve interviewed over the years are more comfortable with risk as they get older. IT seems counter-intuitive, as […] Read more…

You Are Capable of More

              When I was younger the only thing I feared was the unknown. What is going to happen tomorrow? Am I going to be able to handle it? Then you realize that you will because you have handled unexpected challenges in the past and you will in the future. […] Read more…

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