Posts Tagged ‘40-something’

There Are Many Ways of Mothering

“Just like there are many ways of being a woman and there are many ways of raising a happy person. “ I recently read this quote from an interview I did with a 40-something woman. She was from South America, moved here in her twenties and built a successful career in architecture. I always find […] Read more…

Three Gifts for A 20-Something (105)

Herewith, three “gifts” one 40-something would give a 20-something as their “Forty-Godmother”. What are yours? 1.  The ability to teach people how to treat you. It’s how you treat yourself.  You have to value and honor yourself or no one else is going do it. 2. Time and space to grow. I think you know […] Read more…

Flash Friday: What’s Your Risk Quotient?

Today is Flash Friday – when 40:20 Vision tackles an issue from both the 40-something and 20-something perspective. Joining me on this mission is Molly Ford of Smart Pretty and Awkward. Today’s topic is risk: What kind of risk (financial, emotional, physical) are you willing to take at 20 vs. 40 and how does the tolerance […] Read more…

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