Archive of ‘Self & Wellness’ category

Don’t Waste Time Caring What Other People Think

“It’s a waste of time to care so much about what other people think. I was much more aware of and I cared much more about how people were judging me in my 20s. Now I don’t have any time to care. And I can see I would have benefited from not caring then.” – 40-something, working mom, […] Read more…

Fashion Forward – Find Your Style

One thing about being 40 is that you get to do be the person you wanted to be when you were 20 but didn’t feel comfortable being. This story from a 40-year old woman who shifted from dressing a part to being true to herself. Her message to 20-year olds: “Even with something as superficial […] Read more…

You Aren’t Missing Anything

Yesterday I answered a question about whether to leave a job and friends to travel in your 20s. Almost every 40-something woman says yes — go see the world and you will see your world with new eyes.  Sometimes the world right out your door seems so interesting it’s hard to break away. This woman […] Read more…

Advice to 20-somethings: Travel…Now!

Q: I am in the middle of my twenties, I have a great job where I have moved up the ladder pretty quickly in the last couple of years.  I have a very good salary for my age and I have a great apartment in NYC and a great group of friends. But more than […] Read more…

Give Yourself a Present — Be Present.

Take a moment today to be present …and appreciate what you have:) “Most people aren’t dealing with catastrophic events in their 20s. But catastrophe just chooses you …you don’t choose it.  If you knew that, you would appreciate every moment you have. Just appreciate. Walking, talking, driving. Anything.  As you get older you learn to […] Read more…

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