Posts Tagged ‘marriage’

Three Gifts For A Twenty-Something – You Don’t Need A Day To Feel Loved

What three “gifts” would you give a 20-something if you were a “Forty-Godmother”? Here 40-somethings share three wishes to help a 20-something get a head start on the confidence to make decisions that are right for themselves. No more woulda, coulda, shoulda.    The Valentine’s Day Edition…. 1. A friend who sends you flowers on […] Read more…

Ask A 40-Something: Am I Wrong or Is The Marriage Wrong?

This is where my 40-something panel provides their perspective on readers questions. This panel is made up of women who I have interviewed for 40:20 Vision who agreed to weigh in with their perspective and wisdom gained through experience and observation. Today we have one woman’s answer to a woman who is lost in her marriage. […] Read more…

What Are The Merits Of Chemistry?

Today’s question is from a reader who is here for some advice on love and chemistry. To the 40-somethings out there who have loved, lost, married, and divorced: What are the merits of chemistry in a relationship and is it something that can grow (and fade) with time?   Her SItuation:   A guy she knew […] Read more…

The One Person’s Opinion That Matters

When you reach a certain age, you have already put up with so much nonsense and heartache. You realize…WOW, I’ve learned a lot of lessons along the way trying to find that guy who was supposed to be the prince and might grew up and might fit into the vison I had for my life. […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something

        What three “gifts” would you give a 20-something if you were a “Forty-Godmother”?  40-something women share three things to help a 20-something get a head start on the confidence to make decisions that are right for themselves. No more woulda, coulda, shoulda. 1. No one’s path is better than another’s. You are […] Read more…

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