Posts Tagged ‘Career advice’

The One Reason You Should

A favorite quote from the Forbes Reinventing America conference this week.  A good rule to adopt! When I find myself reacting in a gendered way…when I am grappling with something and thinking, ‘Why I am qualified to ask’? The minute I have that thought is when I remind myself, that is exactly why I am […] Read more…

3 Gifts for a 20-Something

What three “gifts” would you give a 20-something if you were a “Forty-Godmother”?  40-something women share three things to help a 20-something get a head start on the confidence to make decisions that are right for themselves. No more woulda, coulda, shoulda.     1. Potential realized. There is no limitation to what you want to […] Read more…

Three Gifts for a 20-Something

What three “gifts” would you give a 20-something if you were a “Forty-Godmother”?  40-something women share three things to help a 20-something get a head start on the confidence to make decisions that are right for themselves. No more woulda, coulda, shoulda.       1. Be thoughtful about career decisions. In your twenties don’t just […] Read more…

How To Be Your Own CEO

                At work you have to be your own CEO. You have to be unafraid to ask for things. Have a plan. Don’t go in asking. Pitch them what you want and show them how you will deliver. At the same time, embrace change. Don’t be scared of […] Read more…

Work to Live or Live to Work?

There are two types of people when it comes to career “passion” — or at least two types of people who talk about it on social media. On one side there are those who say following your passion is a sure path to a dead end. This side is concerned that we’ve over-promised our younger […] Read more…

Looking Back On How I Moved Forward

What I know now: one 40-something female serial entrepreneur’s advice on career ups and downs and moving forward. On reaching goals… Getting too caught up in the details. Is what you are spending your time on moving you forward or just maintaining the status quo? You can feel busy 24/7 but you’re not doing yourself […] Read more…

Lessons in Resilience and Moving Forward

Today I’m sharing some insights from over 40 Women I have spoken to lately…some in person and some through our work with the 40 Women To Watch Over 40…all excellent perspective from the other side of our experiences: Whenever many of us take on major challenge, there can be feelings of self-doubt and serious self questioning, […] Read more…

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