Three Gifts for a 20-Something

girl-sitting-posing-trees-mediumWhat three “gifts” would you give a 20-something if you were a “Forty-Godmother”? 40-something women share three things to help a 20-something get a head start on the confidence to make decisions that are right for themselves. No more woulda, coulda, shoulda.

1. You have options. There is a time when your options get more narrow, but it’s not in your twenties.You don’t know you self well enough to know what you want to do the rest of your life.  Slow down and trust your instincts. Be thoughtful.

2. The world is not watching. You don’t have to put so much pressure on yourself to prove yourself.

3.It matters how your potential partner treats your family, your friends and people at restaurants. But you don’t really know a person until you go something that tests you. If getting through an airport is a crisis…watch out.

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